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Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Yoga Love

  • I love Yoga!
  • I love entering a space designed for non-competitive contemplation, curiosity and discovery.  
  • I love leaving my ego at the door and sometimes forgetting to collect it on the way out.
  • I love being part of a collective energy focused on the journey.
I haven’t taken a class in six weeks due to some body healing requiring rest.  I’ve been finding other ways to practice to keep the body/mind connection fresh, including writing this blog, dusting off my meditation cushion and paying attention.  There have been some beautiful, unexpected moments of clarity as I’ve been forced to slow down.  

While I can find mini mindful ways to fill the space left on my mat, nothing can really take the place of sweat earned from a vigorous flow or lighter step that follows Sivasana.  It will be some time before I feel that familiar glow & easy glide; fortunately, I don’t have to wait to be mindful in the literal & figurative bending, twisting & stretching that goes with living.  

Last Sunday, a friend coordinated a moms’ night out starting at a local Yoga studio (YogaLove)  and ending with cocktails and a nourishing meal.  It was a beautifully balanced evening.  I decided to go, with the intention of under-doing it rather than snuggling up to my edge (which is where I tend to perch myself).  I went, knowing that I could not do any of the Warrior poses or other asanas that would compromise my healing.  I thought, at the very least, I would unroll my mat (the one from two posts ago) and just breathe the Yoga air.  

I had never taken this teacher’s class and had never before practiced with anyone in this group.  But, walking into this space armed with my old frayed mat, fresh perspective, beginners mind and all-encompassing desire to be there, it was like coming home.  

I briefly filled the teacher in on my limitations and was immediately welcomed with what I call, YogAcceptance, the favorable meeting of each person where she is.  The invitation to practice is not limited solely to the able bodies that bend and twist with ease, but to anyone who shows up.  

So, I couldn’t do Pigeon Pose, but I could open my hips with Ankle-to-Knee; I couldn’t do Triangle, but I could sit in Hero Pose, hands in Yoga Mudra behind my back, and open my heart with the same intention.  I found a comfort zone around finding modifications that, whether or not were addressing the counter part exactly, kept me present and practicing.  It was a virtual inversion, turning my practice upside down.
  • I love the real-life-ness of Yoga, that it complements any situation and offers an on-going opportunity to open up or go deeper.
  • I love that Yoga unites, not only body & mind, but life & all of its beautiful diversity.
  • I love the unconditional nature of Yoga.

What do you love about Yoga?

1 comment:

  1. I LOVE walking into a studio and being surrounded by people who LOVE me, even though we've never met.
